Shipping policy

We ship orders to virtually every country in the world! Orders are processed as soon as possible, but please note that during the busiest periods (e.g. around the holiday season) please allow me some extra time! Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Shipping cost is calculated at checkout based on the size and weight of your order, so the best way to find out the shipping cost for a specific item is to add it to your cart and proceed to checkout.

Customs clearance & service fees

Orders shipped outside the European Union may be subject to import tax.

Meeco Studio is not liable for customs clearance & service fees as determined by the mail carrier or the destination country's customs officials, and those fees are not a basis for a refund, as they aren't something we're able to control or reliably predict. By making an order the buyer acknowledges the possibility of additional fees upon import and agrees that those fees will be the responsibility of the buyer.

Please note that all items will be valued at their retail price on the customs documents, without exception.